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Scubapro Galileo 3 (G3)

Art. nr: 05.103.101
Ord. pris: 8995 kr

8995 kr

(Rabatt: 0 kr)
Räntefritt via Payson



With a vibrant color display for easy readability, the SCUBAPRO Galileo 3 (G3) offers a modern watch-style dive computer in a classic timepiece look. Utilizing Galileo’s trusted menu design and four button control, it’s extremely intuitive to navigate through dive modes, two algorithm choices, screen styles and other personalized dive management options. Powered by a rechargeable lithium battery and built to last with a stainless steel housing, the G3 delivers everything you need in a dive computer with the comfort and style of an everyday wristwatch.


  • Choice of 2 selectable algorithms: Predictive Multi-Gas Bühlmann ZHL-16 ADT MB PMG or ZHL-16 GF (Gradient Factors).
  • 3 dive modes: Scuba, Gauge & Apnea. In Scuba mode, four settings available: Trimix, CCR, Sidemount & PMG.
  • Wireless air Integration monitors tank pressure plus provides true remaining bottom time (RBT) and allows air consumption to be factored into the decompression calculation. (Transmitter sold seperately)
  • Pair up to 8 nitrox/trimix tanks (PMG) plus a diluent tank in CCR and a pony bottle to handle any recreational or technical diving scenario.
  • Personalized dive management functions include PDIS (Profile Dependent Intermediate Stops) and Microbubble levels of conservatism to match your experience, age and physical conditioning.
  • 3D digital tilt-compensated compass features a top view full compass rose display.
  • Sport mode offers a swim stroke counter, activity counter (pedometer) and stopwatch for topside sports.
  • Smart notifications such as emails, texts, media player controls and alerts when paired with a compatible iPhone.
  • Bluetooth Low Energy interface lets you download dives to any iOS or Android device or PC/Mac.
  • Firmware can be user-updated with LogTrak 2.0 iOS or Android app.
  • Comfortable 22mm black silicone strap included. Interchangeable accessory bands are available to match your style.
  • Optional Heart Rate Monitoring (sold separately) lets you track your heart rate while diving or when engaged in topside sports.
  • Packaged inside a soft black case with silicone arm strap, arm strap extension, USB cable, charging dongle & holder, lanyard with clip, Quick Card and Read First Manual.


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Mån-fre: 11 - 18

Lördag: 11-15

Söndag: STÄNGT

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